Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Metro Aimante: Metro Aimante advanced Power Magnetic magnet elect...

Metro Aimante: Metro Aimante advanced Power Magnetic magnet elect...: Metro Aimante manufacturer magnetic technology, export high quality products                   Trade & Information Centre  Pragu...

Metro Aimante advanced Power Magnetic magnet electromagnet Technology Manufacturer Exporter

Metro Aimante manufacturer magnetic technology, export high quality products                  Trade & Information Centre Prague Czech Republic


Export -  Europe, Germany, Suisse, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Czech Republic Slovenia, Russia, Poland ,Hungary, Bulgaria, Latvia, Turkey, Morocco ,Swiss, Israel, Egypt, Jordan , India, USA, Canada, South-

America, South- Africa, North Africa, Middle-East, Far East.


Technical and trade inquiry Metro Aimante

International Distribution trading contacts inquiries welcome


Prague Czech Republic General Manager:  -    George Hagen



Czech Republic







Metro Aimante: Metro Aimante manufacturer exporter advanced power...

Metro Aimante: Metro Aimante manufacturer exporter advanced power...:       Metro Aimante manufacturer exporter advanced power Permanent Neodymium Magnet Technology   How permanent Neodymium ...

Metro Aimante: Metro Aimante manufacturer exporter advanced power...

Metro Aimante: Metro Aimante manufacturer exporter advanced power...:       Metro Aimante manufacturer exporter advanced power Permanent Neodymium Magnet Technology   How permanent Neodymium ...

Metro Aimante manufacturer exporter advanced power Permanent Neodymium Magnet Technology



Metro Aimante manufacturer exporter advanced power Permanent Neodymium Magnet Technology


How permanent Neodymium  Magnet function

A magnet is any object that has a magnetic field. It attracts ferrous objects like pieces of iron, steel, nickel and cobalt. In the early days, the Greeks observed that the naturally occurring 'lodestone' attracted iron pieces. From that day onwards began the journey into the discovery of magnets.

These days magnets are made artificially in various shapes and sizes depending on their use. One of the most common magnets - the bar magnet - is a long, rectangular bar of uniform cross-section that attracts pieces of ferrous objects. The magnetic compass needle is also commonly used. The compass needle is a tiny magnet which is free to move horizontally on a pivot. One end of the compass needle points in the North direction and the other end points in the South direction.

The end of a freely pivoted magnet will always point in the North-South direction.  

The end that points in the North is called the North Pole of the magnet and the end that points South is called the South Pole of the magnet. It has been proven by experiments that like magnetic poles repel each other whereas unlike poles attract each other.

Magnetic Fields

What is a magnetic field? The space surrounding a magnet, in which magnetic force is exerted, is called a magnetic field. If a bar magnet is placed in such a field, it will experience magnetic forces. However, the field will continue to exist even if the magnet is removed. The direction of magnetic field at a point is the direction of the resultant force acting on a hypothetical North Pole placed at that point.

How is a magnetic field created?

When current flows in a wire, a magnetic field is created around the wire. From this it has been inferred that magnetic fields are produced by the motion of electrical charges. A magnetic field of a bar magnet thus results from the motion of negatively charged electrons in the magnet. 

Magnetic Lines Of Force

Just as an electric field is described by drawing the electric lines of force, in the same way, a magnetic field is described by drawing the magnetic lines of force. When a small north magnetic pole is placed in the magnetic field created by a magnet, it will experience a force. And if the North Pole is free, it will move under the influence of magnetic field. The path traced by a North magnetic pole free to move under the influence of a magnetic field is called a magnetic line of force. In other words, the magnetic lines of force are the lines drawn in a magnetic field along which a north magnetic pole would move.

The direction of a magnetic line of force at any point gives the direction of the magnetic force on a north pole placed at that point. Since the direction of magnetic line of force is the direction of force on a North Pole, so the magnetic lines of force always begin on the N-pole of a magnet and end on the S-pole of the magnet. A small magnetic compass when moved along a line of force always sets itself along the line tangential to it. So, a line drawn from the South Pole of the compass to its North Pole indicates the direction of the magnetic field. 

Properties of the magnetic lines of force

  1. The magnetic lines of force originate from the North Pole of a magnet and end at its South Pole.
  2. The magnetic lines of force come closer to one another near the poles of a magnet but they are widely separated at other places.
  3. The magnetic lines of force do not intersect (or cross) one another.
  4. When a magnetic compass is placed at different points on a magnetic line of force, it aligns itself along the tangent to the line of force at that point.

Neo Magnets  

Neodymium is a rare earth type of permanent magnet made from an alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron. Neo magnets are currently the strongest permanent magnets known. It is also one of the most abundant of the rare earth elements.

Metro Aimante exports worldwide  

  The current range of our  Neodymium Iron Boron magnets is as follows:

N27, N30, N33, N35, N38, N40, N42, N45, N48, N50, N52, N30M, N33M, N35M, N38M, N40M, N42M, N45M, N48M, N50M, N30H, N33H, N35H, N38H, N40H, N42H, N45H, N48H, N30SH, N33SH, N35SH, N38SH, N40SH, N42SH, N45SH, N28UH, N30UH, N33UH, N35UH, N38UH, N40UH, N28EH, N30EH, N33EH, N35EH, N38EH, N33VH/AH.

Metro Aimante manufacturer magnetic technology export health products Trade & Information Centre Prague Czech Republic


Export -  Europe, Germany, Suisse, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Czech Republic Slovenia, Russia, Poland ,Hungary, Bulgaria, Latvia, Turkey, Morocco ,Swiss, Israel, Egypt, Jordan , India, USA, Canada, South- America, South- Africa, North Africa, Middle-East ,Far East.


Technical and trade inquiry well come Metro Aimante








All copy rights reserved Metro Aimante 2001


Metro Aimante: Metro aimante magnetischen super gesundheit armbän...

Metro Aimante: Metro aimante magnetischen super gesundheit armbän...:   Metro Aimante Magnetfeldtherapie wellness Anti aging Anti stress High tech produkte Japanische Technologie   Metro aimante m...

Metro aimante magnetischen super gesundheit armbänder


Metro Aimante Magnetfeldtherapie wellness Anti aging Anti stress High tech produkte Japanische Technologie


Metro aimante magnetischen super gesundheit armbänder

Metro Aimante Magnetfeldsysteme können den Menschen bei der Linderung ihrer Beschwerden behilflich sein und damit die Lebensqualität verbessern. Durch die technische Entwicklung ist die moderne Metro Aimante Magnetfeldtherapie so weit entwickelt, dass es Systeme für unterschiedlichste Anwendungsbereiche gibt. Hier ist unsere Webseite Ihnen ein wertvoller Helfer.

Einsatzgebiete für die Metro Aimante Magnetfeldtherapie produkte
Steigerung der Durchblutung und damit eine bessere Versorgung der Zellen mit Sauerstoff

·         Anregung des Stoffwechsels im Körper

·         Verbesserung der Durchblutung

·         Bessere Versorgung der Zellen mit Sauerstoff

·         Linderung bei einer Vielzahl von Beschwerden (Rückenschmerzen, Arthrose, Migräne)

·         Magnetfeldsysteme können helfen Stress abzubauen

Metro aimante Magnetische Produkte sind nicht als medizinische Geräte verkauft und sollte nicht verwendet werden, um medizinische Therapie ersetzen. Für eine professionelle Meinung , konsultieren Sie bitte einen Arzt oder Apotheker


Metro Aimante Hersteller Magnettechnologie Produkte  Information  Europe Centre Czech Rebulic



Metro Aimante Rare Earth Permanent Magnet products and technology Export  Import  International Europe, Germany, Suisse, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Czech Republic ,Slovenia, Russia, Switzerland, Poland ,Hungary, Bulgaria, Latvia, Turkey, Morocco ,Swiss, Israel, Egypt, Jordan , India, USA, Canada, South- America, South- Africa, Japan, Korea, North Africa, Middle-East ,Far East, U.S.A, Brazil ,Argentina ,Mexico, Panama, Mauritius.


Trade inquiry wellcome


 Technische und Handels Anfrage    Manager  George Hagen



 Magnet gesundheits armbänder








Metro Aimante: Metro Aimante permanent Neodymium magnet magnet...

Metro Aimante: Metro Aimante permanent Neodymium magnet magnet...:   Metro Aimante Hersteller high tech Magnettechnologie Produkte                            Information   Europe Prague Czech ...

Metro Aimante permanent Neodymium magnet magnetic electromagnetic maglev and medical wellness health MRI industrial products devises Manufacturers exporters


Metro Aimante Hersteller high tech Magnettechnologie Produkte                          Information  Europe Prague Czech Republic



 Metro Aimante  permanent  Neodymium magnet  magnetic electromagnetic maglev and medical  wellness health  MRI industrial products devises  Manufacturers exporters Export  Import  International    Europe, Germany, Suisse, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Czech Republic ,Slovenia, Russia, Switzerland, Poland ,Hungary, Bulgaria, Latvia, Turkey, Morocco ,Swiss, Israel, Egypt, Jordan , India, USA, Canada, South- America, South- Africa, Japan, Korea,, North Africa, Middle-East ,Far East, U.S.A, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Panama, Mauritius.


 Technische und Handels Anfrage    Manager  George Hagen


420+ 776228992











Metro Aimante: Metro Aimante International magnetic electromagnet...

Metro Aimante: Metro Aimante International magnetic electromagnet...:   Metro Aimante magnetic electromagnetic maglev and medical health industrial products devises   Manufacturers exporters Export ...

Metro Aimante International magnetic electromagnetic maglev and medical health industrial products devises Manufacturers exporters Export Import International

 Metro Aimante magnetic electromagnetic maglev and medical health industrial products devises  Manufacturers exporters Export  Import  International    Europe, Germany, Suisse, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Czech Republic ,Slovenia, Russia, Switzerland, Poland ,Hungary, Bulgaria, Latvia, Turkey, Morocco ,Swiss, Israel, Egypt, Jordan , India, USA, Canada, South- America, South- Africa, Japan, Korea,, North Africa, Middle-East ,Far East, U.S.A, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Panama, Mauritius.
 Technische und Handels Anfrage    Manager  George Hagen
420+ 776228992